Exclusive Mode Issues And Limitations In Horizon Client For Mac


. Soft client – Horizon Client in software format, such as a Horizon Client for Windows or Linux. The soft client is installed on a hardware endpoint, such as a laptop, and displays the virtual desktop on the endpoint. Zero client – A hardware-based client used to connect to a View desktop. Stateless device containing no operating system. One of the great new features of VMware Horizon View 5.3 is the ability for any View Client to connect directly to a Horizon View desktop without using View Connection Server. VMware Horizon View Agent Direct-Connection (VADC) Plug-In enables some important new possibilities and flexibility in the way that Horizon View desktops can be used.

VMware Horizon Mirage 4.2.2 16 Jul 2013 Build 13359

Last Document Update: 17 Jul 2013

These release notes cover the following topics:

  • Known Issues

About Horizon Mirage

VMware Horizon Mirage offers a unique solution for managing physical laptops and desktops that combines centralized management for IT and local execution for end users. When Mirage is installed on a Windows PC, it centralizes a complete virtual copy of that end point to the data center and keeps it synchronized. The synchronization includes changes from a user's Windows PC being uploaded to the data center, and changes from IT being downloaded and applied directly to the user's Windows PC. Mirage enables central image management of desktops while still allowing local execution at the user end point.

If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish. Run: brew install argus-clients; Done! You can now use argus-clients. The best way to get started using argus, is to get the argus and client software from here, compile it on one of your Mac OS X, Linux, Unix or Cygwin enabled Windows systems, and play around with analyzing a few packet streams, to see how it basically works. Usually, just those first steps get you thinking as to how you can use argus to solve one of your problems. Has anyone used ARGUS on a mac? I know excel is shit on a mac too, but I can make that work for now. I really don't want to have two laptops - should I just sell the mac (MacBook 12') and get a PC? If so, any PC rec's? - ARGUS on Mac. How to install arcgis on macbook. If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish. Run: brew install argus; Done! You can now use argus. Once you have placed the needed files in the necessary folder (as per the instructions of the respective indicator / EA / script), open (or restart) MetaTrader 4 on your MAC and you should now see your new EA installed. To uninstall MetaTrader 4 for MAC, just follow the same steps as you would do so with any other MAC application.

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What's New?

This version provides the following new features and improvements:

  • Endpoint centralization - Performance improvement when a large number of endpoint centralizations are performed, by reducing the number of IO operations required from the storage.
  • Vista OS support - Horizon Mirage supports the disaster recovery use case for Vista, and Vista to Windows 7 migration.
  • New help desk Web console - Help desk users can troubleshoot and fix endpoints using a Horizon Mirage Web interface.
  • Client and file portal localization - The Horizon Mirage client and file portal now supports: French, German, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
  • Windows 7 in-place migration encrypts endpoints with Sophos 5.5 software - There is no need to decrypt endpoints during an in-place Windows 7 migration.
  • Aligned Mirage license scheme to the Horizon user-based license scheme - Horizon Mirage no longer enforces license based on device count.

VMware Mirage 4.2 Documentation

Known Limitations with Mirage 4.2

The following limitations are known in this Mirage release.

  • Mirage supports up to 1,000,000 files per CVD.
  • Local users on a reference machine are not deployed through in a Base Layer, except when used in Windows 7 migration. In image assignment and layer updates only the default local user profile is deployed. Applications requiring the creation and usage of local user profiles are not suitable for inclusion in a Base Layer.
  • During streaming restore, applications will fail to access offline files before the Mirage service has started, which may impact their normal operation. You can extend the minimal restore set to accommodate these particular applications. For further details refer to the Mirage Administrators Guide.
  • All changes to the CVD on the server (Base Layer assignment, policy change) will propagate to the client only on the next synchronization interval (by default, 1 hour, customizable by policy). Use the Sync Device action from the management console or the Sync Now action from the endpoint device to force synchronization.
  • If the machine account password has expired after a restore operation, you may not be able to connect to the domain. This is a common issue with Active Directory and backups. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/175468 for resolution and more details.
  • Mirage requires the default Windows Shadow Copy provider 1.0. In order to view the VSS providers installed on the computer use the following command line: vssadmin list providers.
  • Mirage does not support the Windows Fast User Switching option and it must be disabled on the endpoint and reference machines before capturing a Base Layer.
  • Mirage will only upload and store the main NTFS stream of a file. All other streams are not uploaded to or restored from a CVD.
  • PST file changes are uploaded from the endpoint into the CVD once a day. To ensure that the PST file is successfully uploaded to the CVD before performing restore of a CVD to a new hardware, reboot the client and click on Sync Now. As a result, the PST file will be uploaded, and then you can proceed to the reassignment operation.
  • Kaspersky antivirus - please contact Support for deployment instructions.
  • Sophos SafeGuard - please contact Support for deployment instructions.
  • Clients with multiple volumes
    • Content of non-fixed drives (network maps, volatile devices such as Disk-on-key) will not be uploaded to the server.
    • When assigning a Base Layer to the endpoint, Windows fixed-drive letters on the endpoint must be the same as on the reference machine from which the Base Layer was captured (for example, it cannot be C: on a CVD and D: on a Base Layer.)
    • By default, only the system volume is uploaded to the CVD. You may add volume drive letters to the upload policy to upload additional volumes.
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Known Issues with Horizon Mirage 4.2

The following known issues affect the Horizon Mirage 4.2 release:

Horizon Mirage Client

  • On base layer or app layer updates, Mirage does not force automatic activation of Office 2010 keys if the CVD did not have any Office 2010 product before the operation. Activation can be invoked manually and might be invoked automatically by Office 2010.
    Activate Office 2010 manually (via the Office 2010 menus).
  • If the WMI service is malfunctioning, a restart may be required for the Mirage client to reconnect to the server.
    Restart the machine.
  • Restoring a CVD into a device while it is downloading and applying Windows Updates may lead to Windows problems.
    Make sure that Windows Update is disabled throughout the restore operation.
  • When migrating to Windows 7, some start menu items may not be migrated to the new system.
    It is not always desirable to transfer all start menu items on a migration since some applications in the original system may not be available in the new system. You can contact support to provide a USMT with a custom XML which transfers start menu items.
  • Performing a Mirage restore or base layer update operation when the target device and the CVD or base layer contain the McAfee DLP Agent may lead to an endless loop of Mirage retries.
    This can be corrected in the following ways:
    • Disable or uninstall the McAfee DLP Agent during the operation.
    • If possible, add the Wanova.Desktop.Service.exe to the McAfee safe list.
  • In very rare cases, after migrating an ESX VM from Windows XP to Windows 7 and then reverting the machine back to Windows XP, a black screen with a solid cursor may appear on boot.
    This can be corrected in the following ways:
    • Convert the ESX VM to a VMware Workstation machine.
    • Contact support to receive instructions on how to install the Windows 7 boot loader instead of the Windows XP boot loader.
  • In very rare cases, file system corruption may cause Mirage to enter an endless loop of restore attempts.
    Try to run chkdsk to fix the file system.
  • If Microsoft's Volume Shadow Copy Services do not operate correctly, Mirage will fail to complete most operations (e.g. upload, restore, migration).
    Contact Mirage support to receive VSS troubleshooting guidelines.
  • Adding rules to the Unprotected Area in the upload policy may prevent you from properly restoring CVDs. For example, if you unprotect '*.bin' from %anyvolume% (with recursive=true), these files will not be uploaded to the CVD (including files like that files in c:windows, c:program files). If you later restore the CVD, Windows may fail to operate correctly.
    Fix the upload policy by unprotecting only files which are not required by the operating system.
  • Horizon Mirage may fail to import drivers into the driver library if they contain unconventional operating system version information, such as: NTamd64.6.2.0x01
    Try to use an alternative driver package (for example, of a previous version) which does not contain this version information.
  • The VSS snapshot during final phases of the layer update operation may fail with a Shim execution failed to complete warning and the Mirage client automatically retries it later.
    Mirage recovers automatically.
  • Clicking Cancel when the Finalize Layer Capture wizard is refreshing device information may show an incorrect list of installed applications.
    Sync the device and retry.
  • In rare cases, after restoring a CVD with layers, the Mirage client may malfunction when new layers are assigned.
    Recentralize the malfunctioning device to a new CVD and then assign the layers you want. This operation will not remove previous layers.
  • In rare cases, Mirage may continuously fail to complete a rebase operation with a FileNotFound error.
    Contact the VMware support team.
  • The Mirage desktop service process may appear to consume a significant amount of memory in Task Manager.
    The process automatically releases acquired memory when needed.
  • On layer update operations, the Mirage Management Console Transactions view may show transactions for base and app layers that were not changed in the layer update operation.
    This can be safely ignored.
  • A logged-on domain user is unable to access his CVD through the File Portal. Opening CVD properties > File Portal shows the user under Local User but File Portal User is empty.
    • Log out the user and log in again on a remote machine when Mirage is connected.
    • Manually add the user name to the File Portal User column.
  • In rare cases, the Mirage client may fail to resume an upload operation and will show a malfunction balloon.
    Mirage automatically recovers and resumes the upload.
  • During the layer update operation, the Mirage client may enter a malfunction state, automatically recover, and retry the operation.
    Mirage recovers automatically.
  • Plug-and-play driver installation during streaming may fail for drivers that require access to offline files during installation.
    Trigger plug-and-play driver installation by clicking Update Driver in the Device Manager after streaming is completed.
  • In rare cases, at the first Windows startup after applying a base layer, the Mirage user experience may slightly degrade for the first few minutes after startup.
  • Rebooting the machine while the Mirage client is being upgraded/installed may leave the Mirage client in an inconsistent state.
    Uninstall the Mirage client with the CleanState script (available from the VMware support team) and then reinstall the Mirage client.
  • Windows system restore points do not work on machines installed with Mirage.
  • Base layers that are used for XP to Windows 7 migration, must be re-captured with the Mirage 3.0 Client after upgrading from Mirage 2.0 to Mirage 3.0.
  • The Client does not start the upload process if base layer verification has already started - even if the Force Upload interval has passed.
    The Client will upload after the base layer is delivered successfully, or if the base layer assignment is canceled.
  • The Check Reference Machine menu option is missing from the Admin Tools menu on a Pending reference device in suspended mode. This happens only if the device becomes disconnected after being suspended.
    Unsuspend the device.
  • After a Selective Restore, a new user profile might be created for a preserved user profile. This only happens when restoring between a CVD that does not include the specified user to a device that does have the user profile. This is mainly relevant when restoring to an older snapshot that does not include the user profile. In this case, when the user logs in, he will have a new user profile but without its content.
    Manually copy data out of the old user profile, or only perform Selective Restore between CVDs and devices that have the same user list.
  • Canceling a Take VSS snapshot operation on the desktop might result in an Access Violation exception.
    Desktop will malfunction and automatically restart and retry the operation.
  • In rare cases, a post base layer script failure will not be reported at the server. This can happen if the post base layer script runs before the client is connected to the server.
  • A Driver package sent with a base layer that includes unprotected files will not work properly on the end points.
    Use the Mirage driver library feature and don't place these drivers in the base layer.
  • Reverting back to an XP CVD snapshot after migrating the client to Windows 7 will leave some Windows 7 directories on the machine.
  • Unprotected folders are uploaded by Mirage (only folders, not the files). This is due to Recursive rules in the policy that apply on the same folder in unprotected include and unprotected exclude, causing the inner folders to be protected.
  • File Level Restore (FLR) on offline files during streaming is not supported.
  • Restarting a client machine during Mirage client upgrade may cause the Mirage client to be removed from the machine.
    Manually install the Mirage client. If the Mirage client fails to install, contact the VMware support team.
  • After reverting back from a Win 7 snapshot to a XP snapshot with a different bitness type, Mirage can't be uninstalled.
    Contact the VMware support team.
  • The status window flickers between startup steps and streaming. After the pivot process, when the client starts the ignition steps and streaming, the status window reports both states interleaved.
  • In the User State Migration flow, local accounts on the source machine are not migrated to the new machine.
  • User profile migration is not supported if some or all user profile folders are redirected to a non-system drive.
    Call the VMware support team before performing user profile migration in such circumstances.
  • Open with does not work during streaming.
    Open the file by double-clicking it, or open the application first.
  • Reverting back from Win7 to an XP OS may leave some win7 directories on the machine, such as Program files (x86).
  • Client upgrade may fail after uninstallation of McAfee enterprise A/V version 8.8. When the McAfee software is uninstalled from the end user machine, it leaves its vb_script scan module registered in the registry (in a corrupted state). This means that the vb_script can't be executed by the Mirage MSI installer and prevents the Mirage client from being installed.
    See: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/error-2738-could-not-access-vb_script-run-time-for/1a4499ae-8bc1-4534-9c6f-4d399ac70d9a.
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Horizon Mirage Client - Application Compatibility

  • By default, Mirage does not protect *.nsf files, which may lead to Lotus Notes errors when trying to open .nsf files (for example, name.nsf) after restore operations.
    Change the upload policy to include *.nsf files in the protected area.
  • In rare cases, applying a layer with a new version of Firefox on a machine with an older version of Firefox may lead to Babylon errors (mozglue.dll not found).
    Use one of the following workarounds
    • Uninstall Firefox, delete all the files in the c:program files (x86)mozilla firefox directory and reinstall Firefox.
    • Delete all the files in the c:program files (x86)mozilla firefox directory and then Enforce the Firefox layer.
  • After removing the CA Internet Security Suite (2010 version and later) using the Mirage app layer or base layer mechanism, the network may not be available.
    Run netsh winsock reset using the command line (as administrator) to restore the network to normal operation.
  • Auto-updating the Vipre anti-virus (from Vipre) after it was delivered from a layer, then removing this layer, may leave leftovers of Vipre in the machine, resulting in an error dialog box.
    Use one of the following workarounds.
    • Completely remove Vipre as instructed by the vendor (using a removal script).
    • Remove the SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun value corresponding to Vipre.
  • Distributing the McAfee Agent with an app layer or base layer when a different version of McAfee Agent is already installed in the CVD may lead to duplicate McAfee Agent entries in add/remove programs.
    Revert the CVD to a snapshot from before the layer was applied and update the McAfee Agent manually.
  • Delivering Altova XMLSpy with an app layer may remove the association of .xlsx and .pptx files to Excel/PowerPoint.
    Manually change the associations by using Open With...
  • Delivering Apple applications (for example, QuickTime) with a layer to a CVD which has an Apple application (for example, iTunes) of a later version may cause the application in the CVD not to launch or function as required.
    Capture a new app layer with the latest version of the Apple application you are trying to deliver and use it instead of the older layer.
  • Delivery of Corel Draw with a layer may lead to a one-time configuration screen when the application is launched on the end point.
    The application works correctly after the configuration is completed.
  • Applying a layer with CA Internet Security may leave the machine without the CA Internet Security firewall properly installed.
    Re-install CA Internet Security manually.
  • After delivering Symantec Endpoint Protection v12 with a layer, the Symantec teefer network component may not be properly installed.
    For Symantec Endpoint Protection - Consumer version: Turn Off the Symantec Tamper Protection option with Change Settings > Client Management, and clear the Tamper Protection checkbox.
    For Symantec Endpoint Protection - Managed/enterprise version: Add an exception for Wanova.Desktop.Service.exe as described in http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=HOWTO55213#v39871590.
  • The base layer update process does not support Kaspersky total space security versions.
  • Mirage cannot distribute Microsoft SQL Server using the base layer update process. Microsoft SQL Server uses locally installed Users and Groups that are not distributed by Mirage.
    Install Microsoft SQL Server on the endpoints as part of the Machine Area.
  • Distributing Microsoft Live Messenger from the base layer when a different version of Microsoft Live Messenger is installed in the Machine Area can cause Messenger not to work. The error msnmsgr.exe entry point not found (uxcore.dll) appears.
    Perform M-Cleanup, or manually remove the conflicting version of Live Messenger before distributing the base layer. The file that needs to be removed in this case is: c:Program FilesWindows LiveMessengeruxcore.dll.
  • The Mirage Client fails to update certain Windows files when McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is installed with the Prevent Windows Process Spoofing option set.
    Either mark Mirage as a Low Risk Process (see https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB58692, or disable the Prevent Windows Process Spoofing option.
  • Mirage cannot distribute the Alcohol 120% software via a base layer update as it does not break current installations on endpoints.
  • After removing the Sun Java Runtime Environment via a base layer update on a 64-bit machine, a problem arises when reinstalling the same version.
    Install a newer version of the Java Runtime Environment or manually delete the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeJavaSoft.
  • The AutoPlay menu may show multiple options after a base layer update.
  • When a new version of an already installed application is installed from a base layer, the application conflict report may indicate that the application is being installed and not updated.
  • Upgrading Office 2007 to Office 2010 on a user machine that has Visio installed prevents the user from uninstalling Visio 2007 in future.
    Run repair on the Visio 2007 and then uninstall it.
  • When a base layer is assigned during Centralize end point, application conflict warnings do not appear.
  • Visio 2007 is not activated after a base layer update with Office 2007.
    Clean the Visio product leftover from the base layer, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/895456.
  • Mirage does not support downgrading Office 2010 to 2007 through the base layer mechanism.
  • The Program List in MMC may not show applications which are listed under the following registry key in the CVD: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesInstallerProducts.
  • Unactivated Office applications may also appear in the list of Office applications during the capture base layer wizard process.
  • Following a rebase of a CVD with pending WUs, WU failure may occur.
    Ignore the WU failure and re-check for WUs after reboot.
  • If Enforce Core Image with user application removal is performed on a CVD that has Google Chrome installed by the user and configured as default browser, the machine will be left without a default browser.
    Select another browser as the default browser.
  • Mirage fails to update files on a Symantec protected endpoint.
    Add Mirage processes to Symantec's Exceptions Policies.
  • Outlook may fail to open hyperlinks after a base layer update which changes the browser.
    Re-set the default browser settings.
  • Checkpoint full disk encryption software may cause BSOD to occur on the target machine after a rebase.
    Create the following value under this registry key on the target machine: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEControlSet001ControlCriticalDeviceDatabasegendisk] Service'='disk.
  • When delivering McAfee in a base layer, the McAfee Agent GUID comes from the base layer and is duplicated to all the endpoints. This causes all machines to appear the same in McAfee Management.
    See https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB56086.
  • After Win7 migration, the target device has the same client Machine ID as the reference machine.
    Windows can generate a new CMID using: cscript c:Windowssystem32slmgr.vbs /dli.
  • When a base layer that was captured on an ESX machine with ESX VMware tools is assigned to a Fusion machine, a BSOD error may occur. This happens because a version of VMware tools ESX is installed on the Fusion machine.
    Do not install VMware tools on the ESX reference machine if you want to use this reference machine to manage Fusion machines as well. Use the post base layer script to install VMware tools, or install VMware tools on the Fusion machine before applying the base layer.
  • Assigning a base layer with McAfee on a Fusion VM causes no network connectivity.
    The VMware support team will supply a script that must be installed in the reference machine before capturing the base layer.
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Horizon Mirage Client - Device Drivers

  • Ghost devices might appear in the Device Manager after migration/base layer update.
    This does not affect the user in any way. The device can be removed manually using Device Manager or a post migration script.
  • Enforce base layer/base layer update might cause device reinstallation. This happens when the base layer includes device drivers older than the ones installed on the target machine.
    Make sure the base layer includes the latest versions of all drivers.
  • Enforce base layer/base layer update might cause graphic device reinstallation. This happens when the base layer includes a graphics driver that does not match the target device.
    Remove all graphics drivers from the reference machine. (See the appropriate guidelines document.)
  • After a base layer update, a problem occurs when installing drivers from the Driver Store. This can happen if the Reference Machine has a driver installed with the same name but a different binary than the one included in the Driver Store (e.g SoundMAX Audio Driver).
    Uninstall all unnecessary drivers from the Reference Machine.
  • After a rebase to VM, some Virtual Devices are not installed (Pointing Device, Audio and USB hub).
    A post base layer script is available to fix this issue. Contact the VMware support team.
  • During a restore, in some rare cases, the user will be unable to logon. This happens if installation of the keyboard driver plug-and-play requires a system reboot.
    Perform a hard reboot of the machine.
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Horizon Mirage Server & Management Server

  • In rare cases involving storage outages, a CVD Move task can become stuck while Mirage reports large counts of SIS inconsistency events.
    To correct this situation, do the following:
    1. Cancel the Move task.
    2. Run a CVD integrity report with the 'Fix For Upload' option for the problematic CVD.
    3. Run the Move task again.
  • When 'branchPeersNoFallbackToServer' is configured to 'True' a branch reflector will not download base images from the server except for BI caching operations. This may cause problems when assigning a unique base image to branch reflectors. In addition, the device status may appear as 'Waiting for Branch Reflector' whether or not the client is actually downloading).
    When using the 'branchPeerNoFallbackToServer' configuration, avoid assigning base images to branch reflectors.
  • A device that is configured to be a branch reflector will malfunction if it runs out of disk space. If the cache size is configured to be greater than the amount of available disk space, the branch reflector will use up all available disk space, eventually causing a malfunction.
    Ensure that enough free disk space is available when configuring the branch reflector cache size.
    If the device malfunctions, it is recommended to free some disk space and restart the desktop service.
  • When running a CVD integrity report on a loaded storage, an error may appear, stating: 'Unable to verify [filename] - The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file(33)' In this situation, not all files have been properly scanned by the CVD integrity report.
    Run the CVD integrity report again to ensure the relevant file has been checked.
  • On deployments where the AD server does not support built-in recursive queries, Mirage will fail to detect group membership correctly for domain groups. This will cause installation failure if the supplied default group is a domain group, and will cause a post-installation login failure for users relying on such groups for permissions.
    Use local groups instead of domain groups for Mirage permission configuration.
  • The Start App Layer capture task and the reference machine may be unable to proceed to the Recording Layer state. The reference machine completes pre-scan but the upload fails in a loop with an IncorrectManifestData error.
    Cancel the current Capture App Layer task and start it again.
  • In rare cases, when a volume is disconnected, the Revert to Snapshot operation may stall in the middle, without the ability to proceed or to be cancelled.
    Currently not available.
  • The driver import process may fail due to Mirage being unable to parse the INF file. As a result, the driver will not be a part of the driver library and cannot be delivered by Mirage.
    Use alternative ways to deliver the driver to the end point. For example, include it as part of the base layer, distribute it using other distribution software, or install it manually.
  • Due to an NTFS compression limitation, do not use NTFS compression with Mirage server storage volumes in large deployments. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/967351.
  • The Server can exceed Maximum Connection if multiple clients try to connect at the same time. This issue is mitigated by the fact that the window of opportunity is small and hence the occurrence of excessive connections will be quite limited.
    Manually disconnect devices from the server.
  • A non-empty volume cannot be added as a Mirage storage volume (even if it only includes the automatically created 'System Volume Information' folder).
    Create a directory on the volume and add the new directory as Mirage storage.
  • During a CVD restore, if the volume on which the CVD is located in the server fails for any reason, the CVD will move to Suspend mode. After resolving the volume problem, the IT manager should resume the CVD and re-confirm the restore operation.
  • If the IT manager performs a force remove to a volume where the USMT library is located, the system will continue to allow the IT manager to choose U migration although no USMT is present. The operation will fail, the end result being that the CVD will be connected to the new device without the user data moving to the right place.
  • Mirage server installation fails if Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 is installed.
    Uninstall .NET 4.0 and install Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
  • The migration task Download phase may seem stuck at 100% for a long time. This is normal behavior due to Mirage performing actions on files on the target machine, and should be ignored.
  • The client is returned to pending restore after a disconnect during force upload.
    Perform the force upload operation again.
  • USMT 4.0 migration from x86 to x64 results in corrupted COM+ components.
    See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2481190.
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Horizon Mirage Management Console

  • The Mirage CVD auto-create option allows the administrator to specify a customized message. A message of more than 200 characters is truncated by the Mirage UI.
    Use a message length that is less than 200 characters.
  • In certain cases of network disconnects between MMC client and Mirage servers, the validation step of Mirage wizards becomes stuck and does not return control to the user.
    Restart the MMC.
  • When trying to delete a base layer that is in use, the error message does not include the layer name. It shows only its ID.
    A workaround is not currently available.
  • In the Update App Layers wizard app layer selection step, when already selected items are clicked, the layer properties panel at the bottom might not update.
    Select another app layer in the same panel, then reselect the app layer you want.
  • When using the MMC's common wizards' Disaster Recovery to replace a hard disk, it is not possible to restore only the system without restoring the user data.
    There are two ways to restore only the system:
      Option 1:
      1. Go to the Pending Devices list from the inventory tree.
      2. Right-click the desired device and select Confirm Restore.
        In this wizard the Restore System Only option will be selectable.
      Option 2:
      1. Go to the All CVDs list from the inventory tree.
      2. Right click the desired device and select Restore.
        In this wizard the Restore System Only option will be selectable.
  • The MMC does not respect Windows Location settings for number formatting. The Digit grouping symbol is a comma (',') and the decimal symbol is a period ('.'), regardless of Windows Location configuration.
    There is no current workaround.
  • When generating a program list report, the report page's 'Generated on:' time is UTC and not local.
    There is no current workaround.
  • When using a Chinese localized version of Windows and running the MMC, the dashboard view may have some overlapping text.
    There is currently no workaround for the Chinese localized version of Windows.
  • The Mirage Management Console doesn't update the status and progress of tasks in the Task Monitoring view. Clicking Refresh triggers loading but the loading never completes.
    Reopen the Mirage Management Console.
  • The Assigned Devices view may present an error pop-up window when performing a quick search for device by its CVD ID.
    Hide the CVD column from the view and use the filter panel to search for the relevant devices.
  • A Mirage upgrade may fail with an unclear message when the user installing it doesn't have the permissions to access the Mirage system.
    Verify that the user performing the upgrade is a member of a group defined with the Administrator Role.
  • System only Restore is available during a rebase operation. When using System only Restore with a rebase, the target machine's local User Area is preserved and replaces the CVD User Area, causing loss of data from the CVD.
    Do not use Selective Restore with rebase.
  • When performing a migration operation on a device in Restore Streaming state, the migration starts immediately at the end of streaming without forcing an upload on the new machine.
    Wait for streaming to complete before initiating the migration.
  • When restoring a reference machine from a base layer, the operation seems to start but the CVD is suspended until the server copies the base layer files to the CVD.
    Wait for the server to finish copying the files.
  • The Program Inventory displays out-of-date information after a base layer update/rebase operation before the first upload.
    Wait for the first upload to complete (can be forced by Sync Device in management).
  • Changing the Upload Interval via Upload Policy only takes effect after the next Upload Interval.
    Wait for the next upload to see the new settings take effect.
  • When attempting to update a filter based on Active Directory Groups, only groups present at the time the filter was created are offered.
    Remove the filter and create a new filter. The list of Active Directory Groups will be refreshed.
  • Move CVD Task may reach 100% but is not finished.
    Wait for the task to reach done state.
  • Assigning a base layer from an un-mounted volume does not work but no error message or log is generated.
    If a base layer assignment does not seem to be progressing, check that the volume that the base layer resides on is running properly.
  • Mirage Management Console supports only the following resolutions: 1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050.
  • The Set driver library operation is not supported while another operation is running on the CVD. No blocking or warning occurs.
    Re-apply the driver library set operation.
  • When importing new drivers to the driver library while preserving the folder structure, the drivers do not immediately appear under the Driver Library node.
    Refresh by pressing F5.
  • A false server communication error may be displayed on the Management console. This can happen if the management console is open for a long time. The error can be safely ignored.
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Horizon Mirage Web Manager Console

  • In the Web Manager dashboard view, the refresh time of the components may differ. This can cause differences of information between open and closed tiles.
    Wait for up to a minute, or refresh the browser, and the information will be aligned.
  • When an error page is displayed, the error message is not translated to different languages.
    When an error message is displayed, do the following:
    1. Log-out.
    2. Log-in again.
    3. Try to create the same operation again.
    4. If it fails, contact your administrator.
    For more in-depth error messages, the administrator can refer to the application logs (also in English).
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Horizon Mirage File Portal

  • A wrong error message is generated when management service is not available. The end user is notified of a bad username or password although the problem is actually that the management service is down.
  • In rare cases, the end user may not receive the Web Portal registration window if he logs in to the machine before the Mirage service was able to connect to the server.
    Re-login to the machine.
  • In rare cases, Webinstall may fail with the error message: MSI failure. Error: INSTALL_FAILURE.
    Run the installer again.
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Resolved Issues in the VMware Mirage 4.2 Release

The following issues have been resolved since the last Mirage release:

  • Mirage may fail to restore a CVD if the following registry key is missing: SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsBackup.
  • The Mirage client may malfunction if the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service isn't properly installed on the machine (for example, if the SYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesswprv key doesn't have a Start value.)
  • Mirage does not support provisioning/migration/restoring to different hardware for Windows machines which use the UEFI/GPT configuration.
  • User profile migration will not migrate Office application data if the CVD is Win7 64 bit and the Office version is 32bit.
  • A Capture App Layer task is unable to proceed after the task is paused and then resumed.
  • The user may not be able to compare Programs between a new base layer and the current base layer during base layer assignment.
  • In rare cases, the Horizon Mirage client might fail to resume an upload operation and will show a malfunction balloon.
  • During the layer update operation, the Horizon Mirage client might enter a malfunction state, automatically recover, and retry the operation.
  • Base layers that are used for XP to Windows 7 migration, must be re-captured with the Mirage 3.0 Client after upgrading from Mirage 2.0 to Mirage 3.0.
  • The Client does not start the upload process if base layer verification has already started - even if the Force Upload interval has passed.
  • A Driver package sent with a base layer that includes unprotected files will not work properly on the endpoints.
  • User profile migration is not supported if some or all user profile folders are redirected to a non-system drive.
  • Horizon Mirage cannot distribute Microsoft SQL Server using the base layer update process. Microsoft SQL Server uses locally installed Users and Groups that are not distributed by Horizon Mirage.
  • Distributing Microsoft Live Messenger from the base layer when a different version of Microsoft Live Messenger is installed in the Machine Area can cause Messenger not to work. The error msnmsgr.exe entry point not found (uxcore.dll) appears.
  • The Horizon Mirage Client fails to update certain Windows files when McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is installed with the Prevent Windows Process Spoofing option set.
  • Horizon Mirage fails to update files on a Symantec protected endpoint.
  • Outlook might fail to open hyperlinks after a base layer update which changes the browser.
  • Checkpoint full disk encryption software might cause BSOD to occur on the target machine after a rebase.
  • Enforce base layer/base layer update might cause device reinstallation. This happens when the base layer includes device drivers older than the ones installed on the target machine.
  • Enforce base layer/base layer update might cause graphic device reinstallation. This happens when the base layer includes a graphics driver that does not match the target device.
  • The Start App Layer capture task and the reference machine might be unable to proceed to the Recording Layer state. The reference machine completes pre-scan but the upload fails in a loop with an IncorrectManifestData error.
  • A Capture App Layer task is unable to proceed after the task is paused and then resumed.
  • The user might not be able to compare Programs between a new base layer and the current base layer during base layer assignment.
  • Assigning a base layer from an un-mounted volume does not work but no error message or log is generated.
  • When delivering McAfee in a base layer, the McAfee Agent GUID comes from the base layer and is duplicated to all the endpoints. This causes all machines to appear the same in McAfee Management.
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