How To Change Imei In Android Studio Emulator For Mac



How To Change Imei In Android Studio Emulator For Mac

Android device ID; IMEI no. Below is a scenario in which by changing IMEI number, device id binding validation is bypassed.

  • Does this work for you?


    Intelisense says:

  • Sorry I shouldve mentioned that build.Serial doesnt return the user end serial number the one they see on their tablets, thus the reason for the method I am trying to translate which uses reflection to use hidden API, OS.Build returns ro.serial (something like that) but I want ril.serialnumber,

  • @AngelCalvas@DanielTavares is right. The official Android documentation says the same.

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  • edited March 2014

    I found Build.Serial return other serial, not the one show in system setting->about->status,too.

    Have you try to replace 'ril.serialnumber' with 'sys.serialnumber' ?
    I found some device use sys.serialnumber instead.

  • I'm adding device info to forked version of Xamarin.Mobile, here is Android part, iOS and WP are under test.

    Download keynote 6.6 for mac os x 10.11.6. Support for Microsoft Office 2016 is also improved with this release.

    I have 2 versions:

    • Android.Build.Serial
    • reading /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial

    Note: this is not stable - Interface will change. I'm thinking of Dictionary returning string string pairs + common names (not sure).



  • Btw. wouldn't it be more C#-ish to make all those methods which take no argument into Properties instead?

  • It would, this was first attempt and because of platform differences and sometimes 'the same name - diffeernt meaning' I'm thinking of returning Dictionary<string, string> where keys would be documented according to platform definitions.

    I mean this is simply style or second R in R&Rs (Rules and Recommendations) which does not affect performance and security. Aesthetic component. Form and function and function was fulfilled and we can discuss the form in endless (meaningless) discussions - which I think are not very productive.

    I promise I'll make those properties

    .. but wait then I cannot make them async if I need. Right? Free izotope ozone 8.

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  • Guys I did very little, took few hours to read about it, collected information and implemented it in Xamarin/c#. From what I know this should cover a lot of cases. Code needs polishing, but it can be used.

    We needed it for our internal projects and later on reused it on some commercial ones. I'm stuck at iOS and WP part just because I didn't need those badly, but they are comming too.

  • On iOS you can use UIDevice.CurrentDevice for most of the stuff. I.e.:

    Similarly on WindowsPhone:

    I use this in my MvvmCross plugin here:

  • edited July 2014

    It worked for me with this code:

    On some devices 'sys.serialnumber' must be used, but I don't need that at the moment

  • @DanielTavares said:
    Does this work for you?


    Intelisense says:

    This does it!, and it shows gets me the serailnumber that you see in Settings > about phone
