Iview Mediapro 3.1.2 For Mac

Key Features iView MediaPro is a picture manager but works more professionally. To do this, it can filter photos by category. It can maintain an unlimited number of images in its database. Therefore, the user can put as many photos as needed.

iView Multimedia has released iView MediaPro 1.5, a new version of its popular and powerful media management software for organizing, printing, viewing, and exporting to the Web. As noted by VersionTracker, version 1.5 adds the ability to download and catalog images directly from USB connected cameras under Mac OS X, support for new file types, and several various performance enhancements. iView MediaPro sells for US$45 and is compatible with Mac OS 8.6 and later and Mac OS X. A trial version is available.


Matt P

You posted this on your home page:

'Whimsically Plucky Software - creator of BackityMac, RadioRocker, DockChanger, and VideoVangelist - announced that it has closed. The developer says:

There is a possibility we may open the doors again one day. Until then I've updated all the products to remove all registration requirements, and they are all now FREE. Any versions previous to these listed will no longer activate.' Photoshop 6 crack for mac.

I tried using the Dock changer, and it stopped working after 10 changes, as if it were a trial version. I then uninstalled it and its prefs and reinstalled it and tried to get the dock back to default. It acts like it works but does absolutely nothing, Now I have a messed up dock with stupid looking application indicators and the program will not let me fix it. I have emailed the author, but I certainly think people should know that apparently the app or apps just don't work..kind of like a haxie without the haxie files messing up your system..it seems his app alone does a fine job of it. I certainly won't be trying any of his other 'free' products.

I'm running 10.5.8.