What Is The Google Chrome Helper For Mac

My Activity Monitor is filled with the Process Name 'Google Chrome Helper' and my computer runs very very slow. What is that and how can i get rid of it?

If you use Google Chrome browser, you probably have already heard or seen Google Chrome Helper on the screen of your device. However, not every user understands what it is and what for it should be used. Let’s take a look at this question in greater detail and try to find out how to get rid of Google Chrome helper.

So, what is Google Chrome helper? Indeed, it is a generic name for embedded content that usually runs outside your browser. Simply put, it is the interface between a remote server and the embed code. Therefore, it can run automatically with the default settings of your browser.

Users frequently complain that from time to time they see a message on their screens “‘Google Chrome helper is not responding”. Moreover, it can also use too much CPU and even hog Mac system. It is safe to say that it acts as a parasite and just feeds on the memory of your device.

In very deed, Google Chrome helper is not a huge problem. It can slow your system only when a few Google Chrome processes run simultaneously. Another reason is an extension, which is not protected from malware.

Tips on How to Disable Google Chrome Helper

Well, how to turn off Google Chrome helper? In sober fact, it is as easy as a pie. But there’s one thing you need to be aware of. When you finally kill it, you won’t be able to watch flash content. In this case, you need to view content.vtdecoderxpcservice.

Users can find the helper process in the activity monitor. If you want to deactivate it, you need to follow the below-listed directions:

  • Launch your browser.
  • Close all windows, but don’t close a browser.
  • Go to the “Chrome menu”.
  • Choose “Preferences”.
  • Scroll down the list of options and click on “Show Advanced Settings”.
  • Go to “Privacy”.
  • Right-click on “Content Settings”.
  • Now, find the entry with “Plugins”.
  • Instead of “Run automatically”, you need to choose “Click to play”.

When you finally do that, you’ll see that your browser won’t allow Flash ads to auto-load (and there’s no need to install AdBlocker). Any Java, DivX, Flash or Silverlight content will appear as a grey space until you click on it.

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Are you seeing google chrome helper (not responding) on your mac activity monitor? Is it consuming google chrome helper mac memory? And if google chrome using too much CPU, literally hogging mac system then you definitely need to stop google helper.

But how do i Disable google Chrome Helper, well in this post it will be explained how to disable multiple chrome processes including disable chrome helper problem.

If you use google chrome for mac and you observe chrome high CPU usage. It’s most likely the google chrome helper that act like a parasite and feeds on mac memory. You cannot find this phantom unless you open Macbook activity monitor.

When you open google chrome helper activity monitor you will notice that google chrome process feast on your CPU cycle. This helper issue also provoke noisy laptop fan screams and system memory. So you should now know why does google chrome use so much memory?

Related:How To Fix Noisy Computer Fan Problem In Your PC

Besides if you try to search term google chrome using too much memory on Chrome Help Center. It also doesn’t explain what it is or what it does. But you can easily find users complaining about it there. Furthermore, the Chrome FAQ portal also doesn’t give any solution to this problem.

So what is this mysterious chrome helper, and what does it have to do with helping.

What is Google Chrome Helper?

Just like webhelper process chrome helper is also a process which open when you run chrome browser. But it’s not really a problem. The chrome helper goes astray only when multiple google chrome processes run at once. Or when you have download chrome extension not protected from malware/ spyware.

Another reason of chrome helper rampage is when google chrome’s plug-in settings are configured to run everything by default. No doubt there are plenty of google chrome plug-ins and you can easily download chrome plug ins from online.

But only those plug ins that works with flash content tends to make trouble for google chrome process. When you visit sites to hear song or watch movie you need to download Adobe Flash Player.

This Adobe Flash plugin lets you hear and see Flash audio and video content on Chrome on your computer. But there are some sites which causes harm while running flash content. That’s where google chrome helper not responding appears.

So what is Google Chrome Helper? You can say that it’s the generic name given to embedded content that runs outside the internet browser. Chrome plug-ins aren’t features that are rendered by HTML code. They involve content that needs to be pulled in from elsewhere.

In the dialog that appears, leave Applications set to All Applications, set the Menu Title to System Preferences (that’s an ellipsis—use the Option-; key combo—and not three sequential periods), and enter your desired shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcut box.Since the standard keyboard shortcut for preferences in any application is Command-, (Command-comma), you might want to use Command-Option- (Command-Option-dash) or something similar. If you don’t keep System Preferences in your Dock, you can set a keyboard shortcut to make it launch.To create the shortcut, open the Keyboard & Mouse System Preferences panel, click on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, then click the plus (+) sign. After you set the keyboard shortcut, you’ll need to log out and log in again, or restart your Mac, for it to be available.What’s interesting to note is that you can set keyboard shortcuts in this manner to any menu command in the Apple menu. You may need to open System Preferences from time to time to adjust network settings, change user account options, or some other task. Macbook pro hacks 2018.

The “Google Chrome Helper” is a medium between the embed code in the browser and a remote server, and it’s set to run automatically with Chrome’s default settings.

When these plug-ins or chrome processes they’re handling become out of control then these become google chrome helper. In short, plug ins once martyred converts into chrome helper not responding issue.

How To Stop Google Chrome Helper On Mac’s CPU?

Well you can disable google chrome helper and it’s quite easy to do that. But once you kill chrome helper then comes another headache that is, each time you want to see flash content. You’ll just have to opt in to view content.vtdecoderxpcservice

As already told that you can only see this helper process in activity monitor. So in order to deactivate google chrome helper you will have to dig a couple of levels deep into your Chrome settings.

How do I remove Google Chrome Helper from my Mac?

  1. Shut down all your Chrome windows without closing the program.
  2. Then, in the Chrome menu, go to “Preferences,” scroll all the way down in the menu.
  3. Click on “Show advanced settings” The first item in the expanded advanced settings list will be “Privacy”
  4. Click on the “Content Settings” button right under that. Find “Plug-ins” entry, which will likely be set to “Run automatically.”
  5. Instead, select “Click to play”

One huge benefit of destroying the Google Chrome Helper? It should keep Flash ads from auto-loading without having to install an ad-blocker.

Fix Google Chrome high CPU usage on Mac

It’s not only the google chrome helper mac memory or malicious extensions that can cause serious problem. There is always remain a probability of malware, so you must also remove malicious software from Macbook.

Therefore, you should always check that your computer is clean from potentially unwanted programs or viruses before trying to fix Mac problems. You can also try below mentioned instruction to reduce reduce chrome memory usage on mac

First Method

You can terminate multiple chrome process through accessing google chrome task manager.

1. Open Google Chrome;

2. Click on three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the Window

3. Select More Tools and pick Task Manager

4. Identify which process is causing high CPU

5. Right-click on it and select End Process

Second Method

You can also delete suspicious extensions from google chrome.

1. Open Google Chrome and click on Settings (three vertical dots)

2. Navigate to More Tools and select Extensions

3. You can delete unreliable extensions by hitting Remove button

Third Method

Either you uninstall chrome mac or reset browser settings to default For that;

1. Go to Google Chrome and click on three vertical dots

2. Click on Settings and select Advanced at the end of the page

3. Find Reset option and click on it

Why Does Chrome Have So Many Processes

Did you ever wonder why does chrome open so many processes? When you open task manager while running google chrome you will see that there are numerous chrome.exe entries. Even though you have opened one or two tabs you will see a whole list of process. So, what does it means? Why does google chrome have so many processes?

At first sight you might thought that your system has been infected by Trojan virus or malware. That can be true in some situation but wait these google chrome multiple processes explain something.

The reason of opening multiple chrome process is that google Chrome takes advantage of these properties and puts web apps and plug-ins in separate processes from the browser itself.

This means that in case any web page crashes it won’t affect the browser or other web apps. It helps OS to run web apps in parallel and in unlikely event browser itself won’t lock up if a particular web app or plug-in stops responding.

Basically, each tab has one process unless the tabs are from the same domain. That also goes for each plug-in as each extension will also have one active process.

This the whole story about chrome helper and how to kill it. If you are facing same problem of google chrome helper not responding situation then share with us.