Chrome Drivers For Automated Tests Mac


When Chrome browser is launched using selenium, We can see an info bar with message 'Chrome is being controlled by automated test software'. If we want to hide this info bar, we have to pass 'disable-infobars' argument to ChromeOptions.

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This page documents how to start using ChromeDriver for testing your website on desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux).

You can also read Getting Started with Android or Getting Started with ChromeOS


ChromeDriver is a separate executable that Selenium WebDriver uses to control Chrome. It is maintained by the Chromium team with help from WebDriver contributors. If you are unfamiliar with Selenium WebDriver, you should check out the Selenium site.

Follow these steps to setup your tests for running with ChromeDriver:

  • Ensure Chromium/Google Chrome is installed in a recognized location
ChromeDriver expects you to have Chrome installed in the default location for your platform. You can also force ChromeDriver to use a custom location by setting a special capability.
  • Download the ChromeDriver binary for your platform under the downloads section of this site
  • Help WebDriver find the downloaded ChromeDriver executable
Any of these steps should do the trick:
  1. include the ChromeDriver location in your PATH environment variable
  2. (Java only) specify its location via the system property (see sample below)
  3. (Python only) include the path to ChromeDriver when instantiating webdriver.Chrome (see sample below)

Sample test


Python: Download adobe xd for mac torrent.

Controlling ChromeDriver's lifetime

The ChromeDriver class starts the ChromeDriver server process at creation and terminates it when quit is called. This can waste a significant amount of time for large test suites where a ChromeDriver instance is created per test. There are two options to remedy this:

1. Use the ChromeDriverService. This is available for most languages and allows you to start/stop the ChromeDriver server yourself. See here for a Java example (with JUnit 4):


2. Start the ChromeDriver server separately before running your tests, and connect to it using the Remote WebDriver.



Now that you’ve got a sense of what Selenium framework is and why you need it. We’ll naturally start with the basic things to help you set up Selenium testing environment and get started with the framework. Depending on which programming language you are using, we’ve provided everything here, step-by-step, for those 4 main languages.

To execute Selenium WebDriver scripts, you need to ensure that you have the initial configuration done. Setting up the environment involves the following steps that we will go into below. Some of the tools you might have already installed.

The WebDriver consists of three separate parts, take Chrome as an example, the browser itself (“i.e. Chrome“), the language bindings provided (“the Driver”) and an executable ChromeDriver downloaded from the Chromium project which acts as a bridge between “chrome” and the “driver”. All of them will be discussed later.

Setting Up the Environment

To make use of the existing samples you should have Git installed. If you are new to Git, there is a very good guide on how to install Git on a popular operating system here. Below is an abbreviated version of the installation procedures.

For macOS

For Linux

For Windows

Programming Languages for Selenium Testing

As mentioned above, how you get started with and install Selenium depends on your programming language and your development environment. Here we won’t go into how the different languages are installed, as you probably are already familiar with your language of choice and have it installed. Just jump to the section you are interested in. If you are new to all of this, you can check out the install procedures for the languages here.


To add Selenium to your Python environment, run the following command from a command line. Selenium is in this example installed with Pip, package-management system for Python.

For Mac OS X

For Linux

For Windows


Now moving onto installing Selenium itself.

For macOS and Linux

On Windows CMD (with Python 3.5)


An easy way of setting up a Java Selenium project is to use Maven. Maven will download the java bindings (the Selenium Java client library) and all its dependencies and it will create the project using a maven pom.xml (project configuration) file. After that, you are able to import the maven project into your IDE of choice, IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

Alternatively, you can extract the .zip file you downloaded from the URL below, and add the Selenium Java bindings (a JAR file) and add all the dependent libraries (JAR files in the /libs folder) to your classpath.

In Eclipse, right click project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Classpath -> add external JARs

Click here to download the Selenium Client Language Bindings for Java.


Here we look at how we get Selenium installed for Visual Studio and C#. Add the Selenium references in your selected C# project.

  1. Open the Solution Explorer
  2. Expand the project
  3. References -> select Manage Nuget Packages
  4. Search for the Selenium.WebDriver and install it

The above references can provide all classes and properties required to integrate the Selenium WebDrivers. If you wish to use other browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, then you’ll need to install those drivers as well.

The C# bindings are distributed as part of a set of signed DLLs and dependency DLLs. Then, you’ll need to add a reference to each unzipped DLL to your project in whatever IDE you’re using.

Or you can manually download the Selenium Client Language Bindings for C# by clicking here.


To add Selenium to your Ruby environment, run the following command from a command line. Here we use RubyGems, a sophisticated package manager for Ruby. This gem provides Ruby bindings for WebDriver. That’s it.

Installing Selenium on Ruby

Click here to download the Selenium Client Language Bindings for Ruby.

Installing WebDriver

Now when we have installed Selenium, it’s time to install the WebDriver. Selenium requires a driver to interface with the chosen browser (yes, you also need the specific browser). As this is a separate component released by the browser manufacturers themselves. Chrome, for example, requires ChromeDriver which needs to be installed before the example below can be run.

Please make sure that this is available on your $PATH (or %PATH% on Windows) in order for the Driver to work as expected.

macOS and Linux


Open the Start Search, type in “env”, and choose “Edit the system environment variables”:
Then Environment Variables… -> Edit Path -> add you variable

Other browsers have their own drivers, here are links to the most popular once (if manually downloaded path needs to be set).


These can also be installed via terminal.

Mac users with Homebrew installed:

Debian based Linux distributions:

Windows users with Chocolatey installed:

Sample Selenium Tests

Here we’ve also prepared some very simple tests to get you started with the framework and see if everything works fine for more advanced Selenium testing later!

Run either of the following Python or Java scripts to verify that Selenium and ChromeDriver installed correctly. If your Chrome Browser is opened and shortly after closed and the printout in Terminal reads “Unleash the Power of Bitbar for Your Enterprise”, then congratulations, you have successfully installed Selenium!

Python Sample

Java Sample

Ruby Sample

In the next chapter, we will dive into the topic of writing your first test. Stay tuned and until next time!

Image by lmonk72 via [source link] (copyright-free)